Activities near camping Drei Spatzen

More than 80 attractions and sights within the 30-kilometer radius

There is a tremendous amount to see, do and experience in the area. It’s actually too much to list, which is why we’ve made a selection of more than 80 attractions and sights within the 30-kilometer radius of the campground (and a few beyond). In short: something for everyone!

The suggestions on this page are a small sample of the huge range of attractions, art, culture, nature and everything else the Eifel has to offer.

We will be happy to inform you about it, and of course you can find plenty of leaflets and reading material to fill out your vacation to your liking.

At the campground, of course, there is also plenty to do. Or a nice walk through the surroundings, you can walk right into a vast forest area!


In the Eifel you will find small streams and rivers everywhere. Fishing is therefore done a lot!


Cycling in the Eifel is fantastic. There are several beautiful cycle paths in the area, but the small country roads are also great to explore by bike.


From our campsite you can spend hours and hours hiking through beautiful nature. And do you want something different? A short distance away, nature looks very different again!
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